This name came to me in a dream after I had been working on this painting for a few days...I couldn't connect it at first, but it flashed into my mind like a little "lightning bolt".
The name Cora, translated from ancient Greek, means "virgin", "girl". In ancient Greek mythology, the name Cora was another name or epithet for Persephone, the fertility god and lover of the underworld.
Cora is a strong personality, an energetic, determined and independent girl. She can adapt well to her environment, is friendly, good looking. She flirts perfectly, she has an inventive mind. Cora has a rich inner world, she sees the shades of all relationships, she knows how to pick the seeds out of the mire, she sees the truth where it is hidden. She knows how to keep secrets.
I did some digging on Cora and there's a song about her...
This is a very dear work to me, and the inner wisdom is portrayed in swirls above Cora's head...
We all have an inner wisdom that goes by many different names...
P.S. I'll put here my own older, and more recent works...
Canvas fabric, mixed media